
Jennifer was born and raised in central Mississippi with a younger sister.

She moved to Central Texas with her husband and acquired 2 children and 2 loud lap dogs.

She currently lives in Canada

She's lived in 2 countries, 3 states. Graduated from a private high school. Gone to 2 colleges, 3 if you count summer programs. She's owned 6 cars, 2 houses, and 5 pets, (not including fish).

She's traveled to 23 states and Washington D.C. She's been on 4 cruises, visited 11 countries and hopes to add more of both. She's been barefoot in all of them.

She earned her SCUBA certifications from an Ex-Navy Seal. Her First Aid and CPR certs several times over.

Her hobbies are writing, knitting, petting dogs, and binging Netflix shows. Her favorite color is green. She loves trees, moons, and books. Her favorite number is 333. She's a taurus, born in the year of the goat.

She worked as a donut counter girl, hostess at a chain restaurant, Director of Public Relations, accountant's assistant, data entry clerk for a major computer company and an insurance company, bank teller, caregiver for a daycare, and most recently as the CFO/Treasurer for a non-profit that she helped get off the ground with a myriad of other talented people. Her favorite job by far is sitting in front of her computer bringing people and worlds to life with her fingers.

Her fandoms include Dr. Who, Supernatural, Discovery of Witches, Outlander, and anything Neil Gaiman writes. Her autographs include: Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Dan Wells, Howard and Sandra Taylor, Piper and Mathew Drake, Kathy Chung, Cory Doctorow, Patrick Rothfuss, K. Tempest Bradford, Deborah Harkness, Jeff Kinney, Sarah Dessen, and Kat Cho. So far.

She writes YA Fiction, specifically Fantasy. She reads the same, but adds in anything that catches her eye, unless it's something her husband suggests.